How Sitting On Your Ass All Day Is Killing You
August 15, 2017Before you continue to read this article, you might want to stand up. Why? Medical research has determined that sitting for a prolonged time poses health dangers. Research by British Journal of Sports Medicine stated that people who have jobs where they sit for hours at a time are often overweight, have health problems, like heart disease or high blood pressure, or could die at an earlier age. Other health problems include stiffness of the back and joint pain.
It has been reported that most employees sit for more than half the time they’re at work. It is recommended that if you have a job where you sit most of the day, you should stand up every half hour, walk around, stretch out, do a few exercises at your desk, or even stand for at least thirty minutes to an hour.
Even if you exercise before or after work that may not have enough of an impact on bettering your health. “Spending a few hours a week at the gym or otherwise engaged in moderate or vigorous activity doesn't seem to significantly offset the risk,” Dr. James A. Levine, M.D., Ph.D. stated. Obviously, it’s good to get daily exercise, but you still need to stand and stretch your limbs at work. Along with standing and stretching at your desk also try sitting on a stability ball instead of a chair.
TV Watching
Sitting on the couch watching hours of television each day is also very harmful. People tend to not only sit, but to eat while looking at TV.“Prolonged sitting has been shown to disrupt metabolic function resulting in increased plasma triglyceride levels, decreased levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and decreased insulin sensitivity,” Dr. Hidde van der Ploeg, a senior research fellow at the University of Sydney’s School of Public Health in Australia, told TIME’s Healthland. Research shows that if you sit six hours per day that increases your risk of death by 40% within the next fifteen years.
Obesity and Children
The reason there is an epidemic in the United States when it comes to children and obesity is simple – many schools have done away with gym classes and children sit more today than they ever did. Either they’re watching hours of TV or they’re sitting while they text on their cell phones or while they play computer games.Our Ancestors
used to be that our ancestors had to be on their feet most of the day
to kill and gather food, plant crops, build huts, walk miles to get
water, but today far too many people spend more time sitting than they
do sleeping.
Get Moving
Even if you already engage in a regular exercise routine, and if you don’t you should start, help yourself with small changes. Besides standing for thirty minutes behind your desk, you can take the stairs instead of riding the elevator. Walk or bike to work and ditch the car. The solution for people, adults and children, to have better health is to sit less and instead get moving.#JillianBullock #SpeakerJillianBullock #JohnQuinlan #startingover #legitimatefixer #personaldevelopment #professionaldevelopment #advocate #hereistand #selfdefense #rape #sexualassault #domesticviolence #fitness #health #wellness #FSWtour