Fitness For Self-Defense

August 10, 2017

Whether you are male or female, young or old, gay, straight or transgender, black, white, brown, red, or yellow, rich or financially challenged, a celebrity, sports figure or an average Joe or Josephine, have a Ph.D. or a GED, are religious or an atheist, rape, sexual assault, stalking, bullying, and domestic violence affects everyone. If it’s not you, directly, it’s someone you know and/or love.
  • Every 1.3 minutes a female is sexually assaulted or raped somewhere in the world.
  • Every nine seconds someone is being beaten by their domestic partner.
  • One in four college women report surviving rape (15 percent) or attempted rape (12 percent).
  • Each year about 324,000 pregnant women in the U.S. are battered by the men in their lives.
  • Forty percent of girls age 14 to 17 reported knowing someone their age who has been hit or beaten by a boyfriend.
  • 1 in 4 girls is sexually abused before the age of 18.

(This is the reality for far too many females)
Although males, just like females, can be a victim of sexual assault or domestic violence, however, Jillian Bullock, the creator of Fighting Spirit Warriors: Fit 2 Fight 2 Have A Safe Life, concentrates her efforts on girls and women because the number of attacks on females is at epidemic levels.

Why Fitness For Self-Defense Is Vital
The concept – To help females reduce their chances of becoming a victim. Fighting Spirit Warriors: Fit 2 Fight 2 Have A Safe Life gives girls and women the tools necessary to get in the best physical condition of their lives through specific exercises, and they also learn how to use those exercises for self-defense.

This is necessary because first, and foremost, no one wants to be involved in a physical altercation if she can help it. This is where fight or flight kicks in. When confrontation occurs the female wants to be in shape so she can flee danger. She can’t run very fast or far if she isn’t physically fit.
At the same time, if a female finds herself in a position where she can’t run for help, then she needs to know how to fight for survival. Learning self-defense is just a small part of the solution for females. Fighting Spirit Warriors: Fit 2 Fight 2 Have A Safe Life helps to whip girls and women into fighting shape with strong bodies from head to toe.

Even after the workshop is over females can continue to practice the exercises and techniques learned in order to get, or stay, in great shape.

How Exercises Are Applied For Self-Defense
Exercises to strengthen and tone hips, butts, back, core. Used for defense to kick, knee, toss or from the ground or bed. 
Exercises to strengthen and tone upper body and arms. At the same time increases punching and elbow striking power.
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Exercises for cardio conditioning
Click here for information about the upcoming Fighting Spirit Warriors: Fit 2 Fight 2 Have A Safe Life workshop in Philadelphia on September 3. 
Jillian and her training partner, John Quinlan, travel throughout the country to do Fighting Spirit Warriors: Fit 2 Fight 2 Have A Safe Life workshops. If you would like to book the program for your corporation, business, college, event, non-profit, go to
#FSWtour #JillianBullock #JohnQuinlan #TeamJillianandJohn #startingover #legitimatefixer #personaldevelopment #professionaldevelopment #advocate #hereistand #selfdefense #rape #sexualassault #domesticviolence #fitness #health #wellness

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Monique Arrington, Business Manager

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Delayne Powe, Publicist